I find it quite impossible to sum up my entire personality in a few paragraphs, and by reading this blog you should be able to get to know me fairly well, anyways, but I shall try.
The name's Brooke. Well... not really. I frequently go by the pseudonym of Brooke on the internet and in my writings, and I've been using it with the same group of people that are probably reading this blog for so long, that I don't think I could change it. I'm just your average girl from Midwestern, USA.
I have a split personality, I swear. I am extremely shy and quiet around people I do not know but go simply crazy with my friends. I have a really odd sense of humor and sarcasm is my best friend. I'm pretty athletic and too competitive for my own good. I'm very musical as well, and play several instruments. Some of my favorite bands are not well known, which include The Hours, XX, and Second Person.
I'm also fairly artistic, and like to believe that I am a decent at drawing, painting, and photography. I adore animals, and my favorite colours are yellow, blue, and green. I love drama, but the theatrical kind, not in real life. I am proud to say I still 'play' and collect dolls (you may know me from Avery-Here or youtube), and yes, I am older than nine years old. Do you have a problem with that? Didn't think so. I love to read, and I can't even begin to name any of my favorite books, but they include Harry Potter! Woo hoo!
When I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut. Sadly, this is not possible.
And that's just about all you need to know. :)