Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On the creation of this blog

Hola, everyone! Well, everyone being the readers of this blog. And the readers of this blog being pretty much no one. So I guess, hola to myself? And the few people that may actually follow this? But see, that's a mouthful and 'hola, everyone' is much more feasible.

Anyways, it's Brooke here. I'm the crazy girl on the block. I'm no stranger to blogging, but wanted a place where I could just be completely myself and not filter anything, or feel bad about writing my whole life story at a blog that wasn't intended for that. So, that's where The Mighty Pen came into play. Don't ask about the title... I really don't know how I came up with that. It's one of my favorite quotes, and I was like "Hey, I need a URL! How about this?". It was also midnight, and I was sleep deprived and slap happy. But hey, whatever works, you know?

Moving on. This blog is by me, for me. But really, who am I? I'm the strange, odd ball, geeky, sarcastic, bio-loving girl with her nose in a book. I hope throughout this journey blogging, you'll all get to know me just a little bit better. Most of it will probably be completely random, but I'm an awfully random person, as you will soon find out. So yes, there are ramblings, rants, and musings by me, plus some photography in the future. You've been warned!

I hope you all enjoy!



  1. Hey Brooke! I can't wait to read more of your posts! ^_^

  2. I see you have a new blog! That's awesome. :)


    P.S. {Reading your About Me page} I think you can still be an astronaut! :D

  3. Hey, Brooke! I'll definitely follow this blog :)

