Sunday, April 3, 2011

On summer reminiscing

Spring Break is finally here. Of course, it snows. 'Gotta love the unpredictable weather of the Midwest. I can't wait for the summer to be here again. Lemonade, lush grass, beach waves, balmy nights with fireflies... I wish I could just fast forward to June. Summer 2010 was an excellent time. It was spent at the lake and in the woods, with friends and family. I want to repeat it in some ways, but it's best not to live in the past. Still, it's fun to remember all the good times I had.

A big part of it was also meeting my Hanna (on the right in the photo). She would have to be one of the few people who I consider to be my best friends. I wish I had some long, sentimental story, like how we had known each other since pre-school days and have been pals ever since, but it's really not like that. She moved to my town this summer, down the street, and the rest is history. It's funny how much just a few months can change a person. Before, I was just the quiet, sarcastic girl with her nose in book. I have a rather odd personality, being shy but also having a weird, outgoing side with a strange sense of humor. It doesn't seem to mesh well with very many people, and I can honestly say I don't have that many friends to my name. I have a constant feeling of being left out for some reason, probably because it happens a lot, and Hanna really helped me to 'find' myself that summer. And this is getting way too sappy and personal for my taste, and you guys who may be reading this probably don't care, so I'll move on.

Summer is fireworks and camping trips, barbecues and jumping off the pier (my personal favorite past time). That's one part I love about living so close to the water, the beach is just a walk away. I'll spend day after day there. An early bike ride in the morning, a swim in the afternoon. Reading in the warmth of the sun.

I can't wait for it to come again.

Have a favorite summer memories? A best friend?


  1. First off, from what I can see, you are so pretty. (I've always meant to tell you that ^_^) I know what you mean about the "best friend" thing. I wish I could actually acknowledge someone to be my best friend, but I can't. I have so many close friends, but really, there's no best friend. Oh well, though. Someday there will be :)

    I love summer, too! I look back at summer videos and pictures, and just think "This is so beautiful". It's truly a feeling like no other :)


  2. Alexa,
    Thank you so much. :') You are extremely pretty as well!
    I never thought I would be close enough to anyone to really call them a best friend, but that person comes along. I have a few good friends, then an acquaintance or two that I don't feel totally awkward around, and mostly everyone else is a complete stranger. :P

    I can't wait for summer! I love looking through old photos, too, and remembering all the stories behind the pictures.
